Stuff we shipped #10
Paradime Code IDE is now has autocomplete, go to definition, peek definition, query limits and CSV download to supercharge developer productivity.
Kaustav Mitra
Jun 13, 2024
min read
We promised we won't be taking too much time with the 10th edition. Hot on the wheels of the 9th edition, we are pleased to announce today a whole new level of unlock in the Paradime Code IDE. Paradime users will now be able to develop way faster on Paradime IDE. Today, we are releasing dbt™ IntelliSense into public preview. Let's see how.
Code IDE
The IDE now provides autocomplete for all models and macros. This was a feature that was very often asked for by our users. Users will no longer have to copy-paste or type model names manually; they will be able to choose straight from the autocomplete dropdown. Users will be able to stay in the flow of development.
Go to definition
Paradime users can now select a source, model, or macro, right click and directly go to the file where it is defined. Users will no longer have to traverse through the file explorer. If you have hundreds or thousands of files, users will navigate across them faster than before. This will make file navigation up to 40% faster than before.
Peek definition
But can we be faster than 40%? We thought about it and yes, we definitely can. Users can now "peek" into a dbt™ model, source or macro in the context of the open file without having to switch files. This way analysts will be able to open a model within a model without context switching. This is normally table stakes for software engineers, and now we are shipping this pretty powerful access pattern for analytics engineers and accelerating their productivity.
Check it out in the video below, how users can open a model and view all the SQL code without context switching. We believe this will make analytics engineers on Paradime up to 70% faster than other comparable cloud-based platforms.
Query limit
Previously, the query limit in the data preview was fixed at 100. Users needed more flexibility, and we are now delivering that. Users will be able to set their own limits when they query data in the preview panel. The overall system query limit is 1,000 to make sure nobody accidentally queries a large table.
Download CSV
Users can also download a CSV from the data preview panel. This is very useful when performing exploratory data analysis and sharing a data extract with someone else. Another (probably awful) use case would be to create quick data extracts for stakeholders without leaving the IDE.
Next steps
We are thinking more and more about how to remove boiler plate from the analytics development experience. We are seeing teams that use Paradime are more efficient, produce more high-quality work, and hence have real business impact. Before we come to a close on 2024, stay tuned for one more thing coming in November, that would add another 10x simplification to the user experience on Paradime.
Teams and organizations that value speed, impact and don't mind challenging the status quo, are choosing Paradime.
If you want to know more about Paradime, give us a shout or signup directly 🙏.